Inspirationspoesi, del 2

Här kommer ännu en inspirerande dikt (av Bukowski), apropå den stora poesiutmaningen.

Some people

some people never go crazy.
me, sometimes I’ll lie down behind the couch
for 3 or 4 days.
they’ll find me there.
it’s Cherub, they’ll say, and
they pour wine down my throat
rub my chest
sprinkle me with oils.

then, I’ll rise with a roar,
rant, rage -
curse them and the universe
as I send them scattering over the
I’ll feel much better,
sit down to toast and eggs,
hum a little tune,
suddenly become as lovable as a
overfed whale.

some people never go crazy.
what truly horrible lives
they must lead.

Här finns den första inspirationspoesin, också den av Charles Bukowski. Jag ska variera mig mer, lovar. Tycker ni om sådan här white trash-poesi? I just love it.


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